Salute the naval hero Riding back home, saw the drowned, hurried to jump to help until the last breath
The reporter reported that the public relations page Office of the Secretary of the Navy Has reported the sacrifice of one of the officers Who sacrificed themselves to help others, stating that
On October 17, 2020, at 8.45 p.m. while Mr. Jiraphong Foksanthiya, the position of government official under the Water and Sanitation Division Construction Repair Department, Civil Work Division, Naval Civil Engineer Department Drive the motorcycle back to the home When reaching the bridge over Bang Khun Sri canal Taling Chan District, Bangkok, encountered people drowned. Therefore parked the car and jumped to help And can help until able to lead The person who fell on the water was later known, named Thien Rat Sorn, safely landing on the opposite side of the canal while Jiraphong swam back to the side of the motorcycle parked. In the middle of the canal Has caused cramps and is exhausted Villagers who saw the incident called rescuers to help. And found Mr. Jiraphong's body died
The Royal Thai Navy expresses condolences to Mr. Jiraphong's family and would like to pay tribute to the Naval Hero Jiraphong Foksan Thia on this occasion. On October 21, 2020, at 4:45 p.m. at Pak Nam Temple, South Bank Soi Charansanitwong 13, Khuha Sawan Subdistrict, Phasi Charoen District, Bangkok
Source of Public Relations Department Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Compiled by siamtopic
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