The CMU teacher traveled to the police station Ask to see the disciple's arrest warrant


When late today (17 Oct. 2020) news reports say At the Chiang Mai Provincial Police Station Faculty group From Chiang Mai University, more than 10 people traveled to ask to meet with the Chiang Mai Provincial Police Station inquiry official. In order to disclose the names of students who are their disciples An arrest warrant was issued after the arrest of Mr. Anon Nampa and Prasit Khrutharoj, students of Chiang Mai University, and news that a number of arrest warrants were issued with both persons for violating the Emergency Decree.

Whereby the police invited all traveling faculty Has come to talk at the meeting room on the 2nd floor with Pol. Pol. Lt. Col. Chaiyut Ruangnaphaphen, Ph.D. (Investigation), the investigation group, BAAC 5, helping the government of Muang Chiang Mai Police Station Represent At the same time, there was professor Chamnan Chanruang, former Deputy Leader of the Future New Party Former member of the House of Representatives Currently holding Member of the Progressive Party and Mr. Nitipon Phuangmuang, MP for the Milestone Party List Traveled to join the observation as well

Police officials have revealed that an arrest warrant has been issued and when found where the person can be arrested immediately. But cannot bring secrets The government can be disclosed by allowing the faculty who travel to make books To bring to the supervisors, which Assoc. Prof. Somchai Preechasilpakul, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Chiang Mai University Had written a book In front of the police with the content that

Me with the names at the bottom Is a faculty member of Chiang Mai University Acknowledged that there are students Of Chiang Mai University Has become the accused in the case Together with Mr. Anon Nampa and we would like to know if there is a list of students. In the arrest warrant in the said case Therefore studying to open up, please reveal the names of all the accused

However, Pol. Lt. Col. Chaiyut Acknowledged and received all the books that the Master has written and will bring information for supervisors to acknowledge and will be coordinated with the faculty traveling today.

While later On the Facebook page "Moche Community" has posted a summary of the story after meeting with the inspectors last call, stating that "after the representatives of faculty members of the Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration Faculty of Law Faculty of Education Chiang Mai University And about 15 observers from different sectors met through the police at Muang Chiang Mai Police Station. To ask for the names of students who were issued arrest warrants in the same case with Mr. Anon Nampa and Mr. Prasit Krutharoj, the preliminary conclusion was as follows

1 The police have not disclosed names to the faculty members. Instead, they will report to the senior supervisors to request permission to disclose the names to the faculty members. Which thought it would take a short time to know the effect

2 If you get a list of names from the police The faculty members will coordinate with students and faculty who wish to be the bail for students. To show up and apply for bail immediately and ready to fight the next legal case The faculty members are of the view that students' actions are the exercise of freedom of expression in accordance with the constitution.

3. In the meantime, faculty members from Chiang Mai University have commented to the police that there should be no arrests of students during this time. Because the allegations made against these individuals are primarily political charges. Moreover, these people still have a burden on their studies, so there is no reason to escape the case at all.

4 If no progress has been made within these two days, the faculty members will ask for information and details once again. With confidence representing the faculty members of Chiang Mai University 17 October 2020

Source chiangmainews

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