The page is famous for canceling Loi Krathong
It can be said that it is an increasingly debated issue for the Loi Krathong Festival. Where many parties broke out Whether it is actually adding waste to rivers or not Recently, the Facebook page "Monsoon Garbage Thailand" has posted the following message.
Cancel Loi Krathong
This year we still insist as last year. To cancel Loi Krathong That creates a tremendous impact on the environment, residual waste, sewage water, garbage out to the sea Non-degradable materials, sharp objects dangerous for collectors. This tradition we have adopted from India since the Sukhothai period. It's a long tradition, but rivers and seas have been around for 1,000,000 years.
Much longer, would I forgive you with this? Let me forgive me by hurting harder than before.
If you can't reduce it, you can't change the material. This post is a martyr every year. Last year, over a million krathongs were reduced, many people turned to floating with applications instead, here in 2020, who says they can't stop? So the next morning Come help me collect too. And floating in open areas such as the sea Canal river Can't handle the krathong here, when will you think about it? It was wrong.
# I would like to speak for the affected seas, rivers, canals and all living creatures.
Thank you for coming from Monsoon Garbage Thailand.
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