The doctor delivered a baby's head off mid-way Had to remove the rest of the body from the mother's stomach


October 20, 2020, website mirroring A shocking incident was reported to have occurred in a hospital. After it was found that an infant died during a natural delivery. The nurse violently pulled the baby's head out of the body. Finally, the doctor had to take the mother into the operating room to bring out the rest of the baby. What happened has created great suffering for the parents of the children.

The horror happened at Santa Casa the Misericordia Hospital in Belem, Para state in northern Brazil. On Friday (October 9), it was found that at 6:00 am a 26-year-old woman who was eight months pregnant was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Along with her friend

A relative of the mother of the child revealed to local media that The doctor in charge of the pregnancy advised her to have a caesarean section. Due to the health problems of the baby By the time the doctor sent the mother and child to the hospital. A document has also been made indicating that a surgical delivery is required.

However, Amanda Weira, a friend of the child's mother. Give information to the police that Her friend was left to wait more than three hours before being taken to the delivery room. She has repeatedly emphasized to doctors that her friend was unable to give birth naturally. But they were forced to deliver their own way

On the side, the 25-year-old father said doctors at the hospital were not listening and told his wife to push. Plus pulling the child very hard Until the child's head fell into the hand, the nurse came out and fell onto the floor. After that, the medical team gave his wife a sedative. Then brought her into the operating room To dissect the rest of the child's body

Until now, his wife was in shock and could not be discharged from the hospital. She had already heard the news of the loss of her child. But still do not know how the child died

One of the experts from the hospital claimed that The baby died in the womb. Which contradicts the information that Amanda told the police That the nurses had detected 2 rounds of the baby's heartbeat when the mother arrived at the hospital. And before giving birth

The hospital is now under police investigation. Also called for the expulsion of doctors involved in the birth. Including asking the police to expedite the investigation of this case

Thanks to information from the mirror.

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