Super poll reveals the NCCC still believes the Prime Minister holds a good


On October 24, 2020, the Super Pole Research Institute (SUPER POLL) released the results of the field survey. About the common point of Thai people, case studies of people of all occupations across the country, 3,135 examples, implemented the project between 18-23 October, when asked the opinion of the people of the youth mob, it was found that the majority, or 96.7 percent, indicated that they should gather Demanding specific to politics Do not insult the institution.

While 96.4 percent said it was a peaceful rally, not as a hope for the country They were better organized than colored-shirt mobs, which created violent divisions in the past, and 93.7 percent said youth mobs were organized, peaceful, and not escalating as a role model. Youth mob around the world follow

The need for The main elders in the country do for children and youth. By giving a full score of 10, it was found that the first place was to help children have a better future, have a job, have a good income, with 8.04 points, followed by the second place, being a role model for good citizens, volunteering to help support children and young people at 7.94 points. The third place is a good role model, discipline, good person, good person, courageous people to follow 7.90 points. Know you land Defending the main institutions of the nation received 7.75 points and fifth, having a positive attitude towards the nation, the country received 7.49 points, respectively.

And when asked about the common point of Thais between the new generation and the older generation, it was found that the majority, or 65.1 percent, indicated that they were grateful to the land. Realization of love for the homeland Local communities, followed by 63.4 percent, said convenience.

While 63.2 percent said they had a positive attitude towards the nation, 62.8 percent said they needed safety in their lives, 62.5 percent said they were good citizens with volunteerism, 62.1 percent said they had life security, 61.8 percent said. 60.4 percent said they had a good job, and 58.8 percent said they were looking for foreign friends from China and the United States to help make Thailand peaceful, not chaotic, without intervention within Thailand.

Finally, when asked about the confidence of the people on Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister, is a good person and sincere solves national problems. By giving a full score of 10, getting 5.79 points, can be considered that Gen. Prayut still passed the exam meaning that People still believe that Gen. Prayut Be a good person and sincerely solve national problems

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