The shocked mother saw her daughter think for a short while hurried to help before knowing the cause The mother's heart is almost broken
On October 23, there was a report from a relative of a 13-year-old girl in the area of Muang District, Krabi Province, that the granddaughter Tie your neck at home But fortunately, my mother and brother were able to help in time.
Inquired about the cause of the case where the homeroom teacher at the school took the phone and used to open a private chat for several students Causing her granddaughter to be embarrassed to decide to do so The reporter then went to investigate and found Mrs. A (fictional name), 35 years old, mother of Miss B. (fictional name), age 13, a student in Grade 1, a school in Muang district, Krabi province.
Ms. A said that the incident occurred at 5:30 PM on Oct. 22. Shortly after coming home from work Saw her daughter depressed Then inquired whether the teacher at your child's school Take your child's phone The reason is because the phone is playing in school
Which he consoled for him and did not expect that he would hang himself And don't mind anything Even though I heard you tell the other daughter Please give me a book and a pen. After a while, the youngest daughter ran and told her that her sister had tied herself in the bedroom of the house.
So he and the eldest son rushed to look, and found her daughter hinting herself with the rafters of the roof in the room. But fortunately, the rope was torn down and fell unconscious, so he hurried in to help hold the child and save his life. When he woke up, he asked him until he knew that The reason was that the daughter felt embarrassed at school. After the homeroom teacher Which is a male teacher taking a mobile phone Then bring the phone to open a private message chat to friends In the school watching, many people make their children shame and think. Which after knowing about himself and her husband and relatives are very dissatisfied with this matter Therefore wanted to bring this teacher to the end
Ms. A continued that she saw that the teacher did this to the children Unacceptable Because of the impact that the daughter had, she made this decision. The actions of teachers are revealing of children. If the teacher will seize the phone, seize it. But the private chat should not be used to open the air like this. After the incident, his husband called and asked, the teacher refused, but said sorry. Her husband said that if he apologized To apologize at home
Initially, he wanted this teacher to leave the school first. I don't want to be in this school Because there had been an incident with many students Now his daughter is not daring to go to school after this incident. The part that needs to be brought out is revealed because they have talked to their children. The son insisted that he wanted to get the most out of the teacher.
Source khaosod
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